
The abstracts submission must be done through the “EasyChair” platform according to the following steps:

  1. Click on abstracts submission

  2. The corresponding author must register in “create an account”.

  3. Enter user data and password. Subsequently, click on “enter as an author”.

  4. Click on “New Submission” and enter required fields of all authors (indicate correspondence author), emails, title and summary of the work (maximum 200 words). Capture keywords (Keywords).

  5. In \"Files\", attach a pdf document according to the format available in the abstract template

  6. Click on “Submit”.

  7. You will receive confirmation of your submission.


In case of doubt, contact Dr. Noé Díaz de León at noejd@cnyn.unam.mx 


Important: The letters of acceptance of the works were sent on March 3, check your email and spam, if you have not received it, please send mail to javier.riverad@uanl.edu.mx or quimico77@hotmail.com




November 1, 2019
Abstract Submission opens

January 31, 2020
Deadline for Abstracts Submission

Febraury 15, 2020
New deadline for abstract submission

February 1, 2020
Early Registration opens

February 29, 2020
Notification of acceptance for presentations

April 1, 2020
Deadline for Early registration

Sitio desarrollado por la Dirección de Tecnologías de Información de la Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León | Versión del Sitio 1.7