Sociedad Mexicana de Inmunología

Welcome Message

On behalf of the Mexican Society of Immunology (SMI), and the Latin-American Society of Tuberculosis and other Mycobacteriosis (SLAM-TB), it is a pleasure to invite and welcome you to the XXIV Congress of SMI and X Meeting of the SLAM-TB, which in this occasion and for the first time both Conferences will be virtual events.  

Monterrey city in the Northeast of Mexico was the original place where both Conferences should be held the last year, but due to the COVID-19 pandemic it was not possible and now both Congresses will be virtual meetings. Both Scientific Program Committees have organized an outstanding schedule of lectures and symposia that will provide you with the fundamental knowledge and the most recent advances in mycobacteriology and immunity in health and disease. Due to the solidarity and enthusiasm of our invited speakers, the new program is quite similar to the original one and in the case of the Mexican Congress of Immunology it was substantially improved by the participation of Dr. Buchner and Dr. Doherty, both Medicine Nobel Prize awarded scientists. Besides the integration of new symposiums of high relevance topics organized by colleagues with high academic profile and prestige. 

SMI was founded in 1976 and at present, it is one of the most active and widely recognized scientific societies in Mexico and abroad. SMI has been well acknowledged by its programs on education, actualization, and training in experimental and clinical research in human and veterinary Immunology, as well as by the excellence and impact of its organized academical events. This Congress is the most important national conference in the basic, clinical and translational Immunology.

SLAMTB congregate a wide group of Latin-American microbiologists, molecular biologists, epidemiologists, immunologists and other researchers interested in the study of Mycobacterium tuberculosis and other related pathogens. SLAM-TB was founded in 2006 in Pucón Chile and its most important academical activity is this Meeting, in which numerous and active researchers in this field from diverse countries present and discuss their recent results, also well-known excellent researchers dictate conferences on the most relevant topics about tuberculosis.

We believe that the participants to either virtual Congresses will find an attractive academic program of remarkable science in the different areas of immunology and mycobacteriology. Please join SMI from April 23th to 28th, 2021 and SLAMTB from April 28th-30th.

Aviso Importante
Información para la Presentación de Posters

Fecha limite de recepción de resúmenes
22 de marzo 2021

JLB Special Issue

Be a part of a Special JLB Dedicated Meeting Issue!

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Fechas importantes

23 al 28 de abril de 2021
XXIV Congreso Nacional de Inmunología

Becas XXIV Congreso Nacional Inmunología

Convocatoria Becas XXIV Congreso Inmunología

Acerca de

El XXIV Congreso Nacional de Inmunología se celebrará de manera virtual del día 23 al 28 de abril de 2021.

Publicación de Resúmenes

Todos los resúmenes aceptados en el XXIV Congreso Nacional de Inmunología, serán publicados en la Revista Bio Ciencias (ISSN: 2007-3380) La cual es una revista mexicana de acceso abierto, catalogada en el Sistema de Clasificación de Revistas Mexicanas de Ciencia y Tecnología de CONACyT y en Web of Science (Emerging Source Index).

Certificado de Asistencia

Se entregará todos los certificados de asistencia en el sitio web del congreso. Solo habrá certificados electrónicos disponibles, los organizadores no proporcionarán certificados en papel.

El sitio estará abierto desde el final del congreso hasta el 30 de junio de 2021.

X Meeting of the SLAM-TB

Sitio desarrollado por la Dirección de Tecnologías de Información de la Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León | Versión del Sitio 1.8